Why Every Salon Should Have A Facebook Business Page


If your goal is to grow your salon business, then increasing your revenues is essential. Increased revenue is a result of increased sales, which is a result of an increase in number of customers.  New business is the bloodline of any company. One surefire way to increase your odds of attracting new customers is by having a Facebook business page and here’s why:

1.     It’s FREE! – While you may be in the process of counting your dollars to pay for a website (or website design), you can take full advantage of this no-cost, powerful, social media marketing resource.

2.      Potential to Reach More People Than Your Traditional Marketing Budget Can Reach

Facebook User Statistics Infographic Highlights (published by Infographics Labs):

1.      Facebook currently has 845 million active users.

2.      Facebook accounts for 1 out of every 5 pageviews on the internet worldwide.

3.      Over 50% of the population in North American uses Facebook.

4.      250 million photos are uploaded to Facebook daily.

5.      There are 2.7 billion likes every single day on Facebook.

6.      57% of Facebook users are female (43% male).

7.      The social media giant has 425 million mobile users.

8.      The average Facebook user spends 20 minutes on the site per visit.

3.      Builds & Increases Brand Awareness for Your Salon

  • All content posted on your Facebook Page gets indexed by Google. This will improve your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – thus, increasing your chances in appearing higher up in Google search and making it easier for your past, current, and prospective customers to find you.
  • Include a map of your location on your page which makes it easy for customers to find you
  • Provide incentives to your customers to like your page so that their friends can find you too

4.      Provide Stellar Customer Service

  • Allows your customers instant access to your salon
  • Allows you to respond to an inquiry, question or salon in a timely manner
  • Allows you to ask customers & prospects clients (free market research)
  • Provides a venue where you can listen to what your customers are thinking and more importantly saying about your salon (whether good or bad)
  • Allows you to build loyal customer relationships
  • Allows you to publicly thank your clients and feature their testimonials
  • Allows you to be transparent and admit when your salon has made a mistake, and your commitment to make corrections and honor your commitments

5.      Recruit New Talent for Your Salon for FREE

  • Post openings in your salon for FREE
  • Ability to see photos of the prospect’s portfolio online (if they are open to public viewing)
  • Allows you to be transparent and admit when your salon has made a mistake, and your commitment to make corrections and honor your commitments

6.      Establish Yourself & Your Salon As An Authority in the Industry

  • Create a “community” by sharing interesting content to engage customers to like, comment, and share your posts
  • Answer beauty related questions from prospects and customers & help them solve their problems
  • Allows you to give free, quality tips and advise
  • Post regularly to keep in touch and deepen your customer relationships
  • Run contests and highlight winners
  • Share your achievements in the field

In today’s world, it’s absolutely critical that your salon have a Facebook business page as part of your overall marketing strategy. Social media marketing is here to stay, with millions of people joining in Facebook social media conversations each day. Doesn’t it make sense that your salon be a part of the Facebook conversation — exactly where your customers and prospects are already talking? And remember, you can get your Facebook business page for FREE and start connecting with people today!

Author: Stacie Price – Aiden Marketing
Aiden Marketing is a premier, full-service marketing agency built to stimulate business growth. We create, design and promote brands and their assets using creative innovation strategies to build brand equity and to foster positive growth results.  We offer emerging digital, social media, and traditional marketing solutions that communicate messages effectively, spark engaging conversations with consumers, and generate sales growth for our clients in a multi-cultural society, with a foucs on being the best in terms of value, customer service, employee talent and corporate leadership.