Rally your donors to achieve your fundraising goals.

What are your most pressing fundraising challenges?

See how we can help

Analysis, Design, and Implementation

Digital Strategic Planning

Campaign Implementation Service

We understand the challenges nonprofits face in securing financial support and offer valuable assistance in creating persuasive appeals to managing donors effectively, fostering engagement, optimizing fundraising efforts to reach and surpass financial goals.

Step 1: Analysis

We assess your organization’s preparedness to begin a fundraising campaign, including conducting feasibility interviews and providing recommendations for starting the campaign. Our analysis covers various aspects of your fundraising and marketing operations, such as annual giving, major giving, planned giving, corporate and foundation giving, and digital fundraising. Whether focusing on specific areas or the entire development program, we offer suggestions for sustainable long-term growth.

Support activities are often overlooked but deliver prospect and donor value. Prioritizing and integrating them into the planning phase is essential.


People CapabilitiesPeople
This will help you determine what to do, when, and if you’re allocating your people, money, and time correctly against the revenue growth opportunities available to you.


Operational ProcessesProcess
Assessing execution helps you design a winning customer strategy to target, engage, and grow the customer base. This will help you determine how to reach desired outcomes.


Operational DataData
Develop an implementation plan with a timeline, deliverables, tasks, roles, and costs that will result in accelerated revenue growth when put into use.


Assessing execution helps you design a winning customer strategy to target, engage, and grow the database. This will help you determine how to reach desired outcomes.


Operational MessagingOperational MessagingDeliverable
Finally, we combine all of our findings into a deliverable that summarizes our assessment and maps a suggested path to capitalize on identified opportunities.

Step 2: Design

Campaign Development

Once your organization has decided to launch a campaign, we develop a comprehensive plan and implementation timeline. We help craft compelling messages that connect with donors. Our work can include evaluating existing donor communications, preparing cases for giving, and developing communication plans and calendars.

Step 3: Implementation and Measure

Achieve better outcomes and streamline operations.

We collaborate to keep you on track as you launch and public-facing phases of your campaign. We consistently measure success and adjust campaigns based on market response, enhancing results and sustainability. We can continue to provide support as long as you need it, up through campaign completion.


30 Days Time Frame

  • Measure Campaign Effectiveness
  • Budgeting
  • Tracking & Performance
  • Marketing Results
  • Adapt activities based on performance
  • Workplace Collaboration
  • Operational Excellence
  • Personalization
  • Training

Data Integration StrategyData Integration Strategy

Boost your online visibility by integrating data from various sources to to make better decisions.

Targeted Outreach Campaigns
Increase mission awareness and personalize impact messaging to prospects wherever — or however — they’re online.

Target Audience

Targeting and Segmenting
Deliver the right message to the right person by dividing donors into distinct segments based on their attributes and preferences.

A Centralized View Of Information
A comprehensive view of customer data and interactions into a centralized system to understand, address prospect needs for better decision making.

Improve Visibility of Key Audiences Across Any Channel.

Increase effectiveness of marketing campaigns by reaching the right people.

See Data Strategy

Customer Acquisition StrategyAcquisition Strategy

Strategies and tactics aimed at acquiring new donors.

Engagement Campaigns
Steps designed to engage and interact with donors, fostering a positive customer experience.

Lead nurturing

Nurture Campaigns
Similar to the welcome series, reinforce the organization’s core purpose and aim to build relationships.


Triggered Campaigns
Campaigns that are automatically triggered based on specific prospect and donor actions or events.

Gain New Supporters, In Effective And Efficient Ways.

Learn how to improve your engagement by personalizing your communication.

See Acquisition Strategy

Customer Experience StrategyExperience Strategy

A strategic approach to enhancing the overall donor experience.



Recognition Campaigns
Campaigns aimed at recognizing and rewarding donor loyalty, contributions and engagement.


On-boarding Campaigns
Communications to guide and support new volunteers during their initial interactions with your organization.


Re-Engagement Campaigns
Initiatives aimed at re-engaging donors who have become inactive or disengaged.


Win-back Campaigns
Encourage donors who have previously churned or stopped their contribution.

Create a Seamless and Personalized Experience.

Learn how to  make sure all donors and members feel appreciated and gain more value in return.

See Experience Strategy

Analytics and ReportingAnalytics Strategy

The use of data analytics and reporting to measure and analyze the effectiveness of campaigns.

Data Analytics Reporting Strategy

Measure and Analyze Campaign Performance
Track and analyze campaign performance to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

Marketing Insights
Gain valuable insights that can be derived from analyzing marketing data and metrics.

Measure And Analyze Campaign Performance.

Identify what’s going right, what’s going wrong, and which parts could use some tweaking.

See Analytics Strategy

How We Gets Work Done

The Scrum Model

We use the Scrum Method, breaking big projects into smaller sprints completed within set periods. They follow a weekly sprint schedule, starting on Thursday and ending the following Thursday. Tasks are added to the backlog on Wednesdays and assigned to the team on Thursdays. All tasks in the sprint will be finished by the next Thursday. If a task is too big, it is broken down into smaller subtasks completed over multiple sprints, ensuring consistent progress every week.

How We Work

Results-Driven Delivery Model

Our delivery approach prioritizes results and accountability. You will have an Account Manager working to develop a tailored strategy based on your preferences and market insights. During your weekly meetings we will follow a standardized process to stay on track and address any questions. We will review all activities on the dashboard to ensure timely completion of tasks and communicate any necessary adjustments to everyone involved.

Packages and Pricing Based on Your Goals.

Aiden Marketing offers budget-friendly pricing options tailored to nonprofit organizations’ unique needs and budgets.

See Package Pricing

How can I begin?

Let’s start with a chat.

We’ll listen to your goals and challenges through our complimentary digital marketing assessment. Once we know your objectives, we’ll collaborate with you to create a fundraising strategy tailored to your specific needs.


Schedule An Assessment

Client Testimonials

  • In my experience working with the Aiden Marketing team, we were able to meet a finite need within budget. We reached our short term goals with Aiden’s help. I would recommend Aiden Marketing on a scale of 10 out of 10.  
    Michelle Boyle, St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore, VP - Development and Marketing
  • I did work with Aiden during the past year and I can unequivocally state that they are very hard workers and on top of their game. They are always accessible as well.
    Jack Bragin, Boca Beauty Academy
  • The content marketing was awesome. As a small non-profit organization, it was awesome to have professional digital marketing services added to my infrastructure via Aiden Marketing. It helped to build our capacity as a business.
    Kelly Fair, Founder & Executive Director, Polished Pebbles
  • Other website designers who I asked to closely look at our website critically for comments mentioned that the overall appearance was very elegant and attractive, and the hook-up with the payment platform was efficiently done. Consequently, I am pleased to recommend Aiden Marketing for both design for advertising, and website development.
    Ray Carrier - VP & Operations Manager, EZ Bike Rides
  • "This will surely separate me from my competitors and drive a lot of traffic to my business. Aiden Marketing is the best! I would recommend them to anyone who's looking to grow a business brand. I will be doing more business with this company. Thanks again!
    Quintin Moody - CEO/Pres, World Class Auto Detail
  • "The website design makeover that Aiden Marketing provided for us, along with social media management services, generated a 70% increase in leads for our DNA paternity and immigration services."
    Noelle Johnson - Director of Marketing, BRT Laboratories, Inc.