How do I know which package and pricing is right for me?

As you can tell, our pricing model is not based on billable hours. We price every program based on what is required to help you achieve your business goals. To do that, our marketing consultants will take a snap shot of the current state of your business and identify the level that is right for you. We then customize every program to meet your unique needs.

The following criteria determines which retainer program is right for you:

•    Amount of Content Creation Required
•    Amount of Available Marketing Materials
•    Level of Involvement from Client
•    Size of Client’s Audience
•    Technical Expertise of Client
•    Third-party Integration Requirements
•    Website Modification Requirements
•    Client’s Social Media Involvement
•    Previous Year’s Revenue Trend
•    Desired Revenue Growth Goal
•    Level of Custom Reporting
•    Level of Traffic Improvement Required
•    Number of Leads Required
•    Level of Required Training
•    Marketing Automation Requirements
•    Competitiveness of Industry

To get a better understanding of which retainer program is right for you, schedule a free assessment with one of our consultants.