Project Overview
Kids Play USA Foundation is a national, charitable organization based in Maryland that was formed to remove the financial barriers to participation in youth sports through advocacy, creative programs, and financial assistance.
Today playing organized youth sports has a price tag. Expenses such as team enrollment fees, equipment and uniform costs, travel, and other expenses are often substantial and are beyond the already stretched budget of many families. Consequently, their children are not able to play on organized youth teams resulting in a significant portion of America’s children not being engaged in sports and recreation. They are often idle and alone and their number is growing. Kids Play USA is committed to changing this.
What Makes Kids Play USA Different
There are many great organizations in America inspiring kids to get off the couch, start playing outside, and be healthy. However, many kids are left on the sidelines and can’t fulfil these requests, since they can’t afford to pay to play. That’s where Kids Play USA Foundation comes in. Our program helps lower participation and equipment fees, solve transportation issues, and get kids back on the fields and courts where they belong; so they can create healthy lifestyles, and have more successful futures.
Kids Play USA Foundation approached Aiden Marketing in August 2012 to officially launch the company educate the marketplace of it’s unique position. Kids Play USA needed to cut through the noise and reach Kids Play USA target audience of donors.