Campaign Consulting

Take your organization from surviving to Thriving with dedicated experts today.

Improve Competitive Advantage MD DC VA

Campaign consulting included

You’ll also receive unlimited consulting web meetings, including a project manager, training and joint campaign implementations.

Constant Contact’s Lead Gen & CRM

One platform for all marketing. It includes tools for acquiring new donors, retaining them and engaging with them individually, and increasing revenue.

Improve Customer Experience MD DC VA

Risk-free pricing model

No commitments. Month-to-month cost. With us, you get consultation, implementations and project management for free with your license.

Campaign Consulting

Make the most of your marketing dollars with Campaign Consulting, designed to help you drive the actions that matter most to your organization. Whether you’re looking to attract first time visitors, or re-engage lifetime members, Campaign Consulting can help you:

Nonprofit Data Integration

Attract More Website Traffic

Increase your online presence and drive awareness for your organization and its mission using our first-in-class search engine optimization (SEO) tools, social media monitoring, and blogging platform.

Grow Your Database

Improve the size and quality of your constituent database by engaging and converting your most valuable visitors, be it prospective members, volunteers, or donors.

Lead nurturing

Drive the Actions That Matter Most

From inspiring advocacy, to generating donations and growing your membership base, use personal data and on-site behavior to segment your database, build more targeted email nurturing campaigns, and create compelling digital experiences.

What we do:

What we do

  • Technical assistance in any area
  • Strategy support
  • Training and coaching services
  • Routines, checklists, and documentation to streamline your work
  • Any tools or resources that can help you perform your job effectively

Additional services:

  • Migration of contacts, pages, emails, and funnel templates
  • One-time setup for advanced automations, reports, lead scoring, tool synchronization, Facebook ad integration, dynamic website content, templates, and more
  • Regular weekly meetings for strategy consultation, training, and collaborative work
  • Customized documentation, including routines, checklists, and guides


What you do:

What you do

  • Content production and publishing
  • Campaigns
  • Ads
  • Social media interaction
  • Daily marketing and fundraising work
  • In short, the job you love


  • Create a content marketing and fundraising strategy with our help
  • Create and publish new content, such as blog articles, web content, email newsletters, social media posts or ads
  • Create outreach and engagement campaigns including landing pages, content offers and follow-up emails with our help
  • Ensure that your organization is accurately portrayed, set goals, ensure that goals are being met
  • Ensure that donors are being followed up effectively

All-In-One Platform

All-In-One Platform

Contant Contact Marketing

Easy. Affordable. Forever.

Constant Contact’s Lead Gen & CRM.

Streamline outreach, contact tracking, and automations, ensuring that everything you need is easily accessible. It includes tools for acquiring new donors, retaining them and engaging with them individually, and increasing revenue.

Reach and Engage a Wider Audience

Reach and Engage a Wider Audience.

  • Tap into the power of social media. With our management tools, you can easily maintain a strong social media presence and effectively connect with your audience through email marketing.
  • We offer digital advertising tools that will maximize your online presence and drive more traffic to your website. You can also publish and promote your blog posts on various social media platforms to further expand your reach.
  • By implementing lead scoring, you can identify high-potential opportunities and focus on those with the most potential. And with our built-in CRM system, you can efficiently manage and close deals, ensuring a smooth sales process
  • Our comprehensive reporting feature allows you to track and measure the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing efforts. This valuable insight will help you make data-driven decisions and further enhance your marketing strategies. With our product, you’ll be able to reach and engage more of your audience, driving business growth and achieving your goals

Sending the Right Message to the Right Person at the Right Time

Sending the Right Message to the Right Person at the Right Time

  • Easily segment your contacts and track all interactions to ensure you’re sending targeted messages to the right people at the right time
  • Showcase customized content on your website to engage visitors and provide a personalized experience tailored to their preferences
  • Craft newsletters that automatically adapt to the interests of each recipient, increasing engagement and driving conversions
  • Tailor donor journeys based on individual contact activities to maximize donor retention and increase donations
  • Gain insights into the performance of your campaigns by measuring which content resonates best with recipients through detailed campaign reports

Capture Every Opportunity to Raise Nore Funds

Sending the Right Message to the Right Person at the Right Time

  • Maximize fundraising with data-driven strategies, using lookalike audiences to find potential donors who resemble your top donor
  • Re-engage 98% of website visitors with a strong remarketing strategy, encouraging them to return and support your cause
  • Nurture relationships with current donors for sustainable funding and increased donations


Centralized Platform Designed to Track Campaigns, Events, and Appeals.

  • Effortlessly manage and monitor your donors, pipeline, and fundraising activities to ensure optimal results
  • Identify potential donors interested in specific areas and tailor your fundraising efforts accordingly to drive impactful outcomes
  • With our platform, prevent valuable donors from slipping through the cracks and maximize your fundraising success

Risk-free Pricing Package

No commitments. Month-to-month cost. With us, you get consultation, implementations and project management for free with your license.

Quick Starter Package
$589/mo. | $1100 On-boarding

If you have few contacts and are fine without our active help and only need technical support. Only email support. Support via email and online meetings. All features.

What’s included:

  • Email support (answer within 1h in 95% of cases!)
  • Support via shared screen (book time online!)
  • Support covers all features, and integrations

*These are paid in advance directly to the license provider.

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Basic Package
$829/mo. | $1100 On-boarding

No incremental charges or invoices, in other words, we simply take care of everything for one monthly fee. We don’t bill based on hours and tasks. All-Inclusive. Active help incl. external systems & API integrations. Max 100,000 contacts.

What’s included:

  • Weekly help via screen share (training, consultation, joint work)
  • Support covers all features, and integrations
  • Your own experienced project manager with API and integration skills
  • On-boarding and active help to get started with Digital Marketing
  • Migration of all data, pages and forms from other systems
  • Custom newsletter and landing page templates
  • Custom integration with anything supported by Zapier or PieSync
  • Shopping cart integration
  • Customization of external systems (for example Google Data Studio or Microsoft Dynamics)

*These are paid in advance directly to the license provider.

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What's included in our Start-up Package:

Month 1 Months 1-2 Ongoing
Migration: Import contacts, companies, opportunities, customers and prospects
Set up tracking code on your website
Verify subdomain and white-label email domain
Migrate all your existing forms
Set up and structure
Database structure for your contact segments, incl. custom fields, statuses and automated changes
Set up automatic persona tagging
Create funnel strategy and set up your funnels
Set up and structure campaign measurement methodology, reporting and optimization
Set up CRM with pipelines, lead scoring mechanisms, and sales automations
Integrations and custom solutions
Salesforce, Dynamics, other CRM system or software that support Zapier or PieSync
Google Adwords integration and reporting
API related consulting and support
Dynamic content on your website
Custom solutions that simplify and uplift your processes
Styling, design and templates
Styling and design of email templates
Styling and design of landing page templates
Design and set up blog
Styling forms
Training, support and consultation
Screen sharing and training forever
Technical support via email, phone or screen sharing forever
Consulting about campaigns, automations and marketing best practices forever
Training and best practices for sales
Your own documentation site with custom created checklists, videos and guides that we build for you

How is Aiden Marketing's approach different?

Some only provide software and support. Others want you to outsource your marketing entirely. We are instead your strategic partner and extended arm, helping you maximize the impact of our technology. You know your customers, products and services like nobody else. That’s why nobody can run your marketing as well as you can. Through our consulting, you retain control over your marketing while receiving our support in strategy and implementation. With our Constant Contact Lead Gen & CRM, you will have access to a dedicated project manager who will guide you through online meetings and act as your marketing strategy consultant, ensuring optimal use of our technology.


Traditional system vendors Traditional marketing agencies Aiden Marketing
Offer Only system, maybe with email support or one-time onboarding. Everything – incl. content and strategy – they run your marketing. SharpSpring incl. all the help you need – we handle the setups and enable you to run your marketing.
Philosophy “We deliver the best system and answer technical questions – the rest is up to you.” “We are your outsourced marketing department.” “Your marketing is best done by you – we provide all the tools, help and expertise you need to do it.”
Approach They provide the software and answer technical questions about how it works. But you’re on your own on implementations and customizations. They take care of your marketing entirely. Your marketing depends fully on them. The process is often standardized since they can never know your business as well as you do. We help you improve the way you do your marketing. You own your process, and use us as strategic and technical resources. Process is fully customized to your business.
Price You purchase the license and get a system which you need to learn and implement. Often with log contracts – because vendors know how long it takes to get the hang of it. You buy the license and services separately. Help is often paid by the hour. The vendor is incentivized to make you dependent on their help for any request. You pay for a license. Services are included. We don’t tie you into long contracts. Instead, our incentive is to make Constant Contact Lead Gen & CRM part of your daily routine, for mutual benefit and long-term partnership.
Reporting You create the reports you need. If you want help, try trial-and-error or hire external (and expensive!) consultants. You get standardized reports that justify the hours spent and recommend next period’s actions. We create the reporting structure you need so you can pull any report you need. We help you make decisions during weekly meetings.
Division of labor They do:
2-4 weeks of introductory onboarding and training
Technical support

You do:

They do:
Content based on standardized methods (articles, guides, social media, ads)
System setup and management based on standardized methods

You do:
Get informed via regular reports about what has been done
Approve next steps
Manage the sales.

We do:
All one-time system setups and system customizations
Setup of repeatable processes and routines
Weekly meetings with strategy, training and joint setup.

You do:
Content, campaigns and driving the sales process based on processes we set up with you.

Result and cost Result: Depends entirely on the amount of time and energy you invest in training and implementation.

Cost: You pay for the system, and often 5-10x more for the time and resources invested in trial-and-error.

Best for: Organizations with prior experience of doing this.

Result: Standardized process managed by external agency. When you stop paying, they disappear.

Cost: Anywhere from $2,000-$15,000 or more based on the amount of marketing you get, plus system license fee.

Best for: Organizations with standardized marketing needs, who don’t see the need to grow internal marketing capabilities.

Result: You own and run your own process. We support you with expertise and manpower.

Cost: Only software license, according to pricing table further up. Professional services are included.

Best for: If you want to own and fully control your own process, and would benefit from external expertise to guide and help you through the journey.

How can I begin?

Let’s start with a chat.

We’ll listen to your goals and challenges through our complimentary marketing assessment. Once we know your objectives, we’ll collaborate with you to create a Fundraising and Marketing Strategy tailored to your company’s specific needs.

Book your free marketing assessment today.