U.S. Dream Academy

U.S. Dream Academy-Logos
Date: June 1, 2024 Category:

The U.S. Dream Academy, a program established in 1998, is dedicated to breaking the cycle of incarceration by equipping children with the skills and vision they need for successful lives. Through mentorship, they empower children to grow and gain the confidence to overcome global challenges. In a remarkable achievement, the program mentor recruitment by an impressive 34% and successfully enrolled 250 mentors across 8 locations nationwide in just six months.

The organization faced several challenges along the way, including a lengthy onboarding process, delays in background checks, an outdated website, and uninspiring content. These obstacles hindered their recruitment efforts and contributed to difficulties in retaining mentors, as staff turnover was high and pledge season distractions were prevalent. To tackle these issues head-on, the program implemented targeted outreach campaigns, personalized onboarding initiatives, and automated mentoring campaigns.

The results of these efforts were truly remarkable, with 250 mentors recruited across 8 locations in just six months. The program focused on enhancing operational efficiency, providing mentors with the necessary knowledge to meet the unique needs of the children, fostering ongoing engagement, improving the mentor experience, and re-engaging past mentors. Additionally, they developed a comprehensive sponsorship package and launched a promotional campaign for their upcoming 15th-anniversary gala.

Brand development, Marketing Strategy, Buyer Personal Development, Branding, Website Redesign, Marketing Automation, Social Media Management




US Dream Academy - Honoree Ndaba Mandela