Are You A Contributor or Just An Observer on Social Media

What’s your social media persona?  Are you a Contributor (someone who produces and/or share content), a Commentator (someone who engages in the conversation by posting your feedback/comments), a Gatherer (someone who uses social media to just gather information), a Joiner (someone who sets up profiles on social media platforms but hardly ever participates), or an Observer (someone who logs into social media platform just to “look & listen” to what everyone else is saying)?? —- Be honest when accessing yourself as it will give some good insight as to why your social media efforts may not be producing the impact and growth that you would like it to do for your business. Not sure if your efforts are effective, click HERE to get a FREE assessment.

Today, we pick back up with our “Things You May Be Doing Wrong on Social Media” series and today’s tips center around your personal participation, as well as your company employees’ participation in the social media marketing stratosphere.

Things Your Might Be Doing Wrong in Social Media:

#3 –  You aren’t contributing:  Please take note that the traditional ways of advertising (just putting out a marketing communication via print TV, direct mailer or radio and not engaging your audience) doesn’t work on social media.  Here’s what works: Sharing helpful, interesting, or entertaining content that allows you to build a solid relationship with potential and existing customers. Another key piece of this puzzle is interaction. Are you asking for feedback, or answering questions via social media? If not, you’re missing the point and the benefits of leveraging social media for your business growth.

Don’t have time to stay on top of things manage your business’ social media presence?  We totally understand this because as a business owner, you need to focus on working on your business and lack of time is the #1 reason why business owners in the Baltimore-Washington,DC area hire Aiden Marketing to manage their social media marketing and management for them. Take advantage of our FREE Social Media Audit / Evaluation and we’ll inform you of your strengths and areas that need improvement, and provide recommendations as well.

#4 – You aren’t getting the whole company involved: Is your in-house marketing team tasked with running the social media presence for your company, yet you are still not see the results that you set as your goals? If so, you are grossly underestimating social media, and misunderstanding what it is. Think of social media as a telephone, not a television.

In the social media world, you must communicate WITH — NOT AT customers. With that in mind, you need to have all parties involved that make up your company to maintain an authentic and effective presence on social media. When our Social Media Managers at Aiden Marketing manage a client’s social media accounts, we communicate and engage your target market “one keystroke at a time”. In addition, as part of our social media management packages, we’ll host a social media training workshop for your employees to help them understand your corporate brand better and to strategically advise them how to be online brand ambassadors for your company as well.

Feel like you are doing social media as if you are throwing darts blind-folded?  Contact our team at Aiden Marketing, as social media management is one of the core services of our full-service marketing agency. We are here to help build the growth of your business! Get your FREE Social Media Audit today, and let us help you identify your strengths and areas that need improvement, along with recommendations from our team.

Also, be sure to read the earlier installments of our “Things You Might Be Doing Wrong in Social Media series:

Aiden Marketing is a premier, full-service marketing agency built to stimulate business growth. We create, design and promote brands and their assets using creative innovation strategies to build brand equity and to foster positive growth results.  We offer emerging inbound marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing solutions that communicate messages effectively, spark engaging conversations with consumers, and generate sales growth for our clients in a multicultural society, with a focus on being the best in terms of value, customer service, employee talent and corporate leadership.  Visit us at www.aidenmarketing.comto take your business to the next level!