Yesterday, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo revealed a new look for Twitter’s profile pages on the TODAY Show. What’s the biggest change? There’s now a huge header image that runs across the top, sort of like the banner image that Facebook users have on their timelines. The page itself has been reoriented to play up other visuals as well: Your avatar is no longer tucked in the corner, but will display front and center. The photo stream, too, has been moved up, and will now be accessible on the apps. One of the other cool factors is that the new look will be also visible on mobile apps as well, including Twitter’s all-new, totally rebuilt iPad app. If you don’t have time in your schedule to tweet, retweet & reply OR are still still trying to figure out just exactly how to effectively leverage Twitter to build awareness of your brand and communicate effectively with your target audience, contact us at Aiden Marketing about our social media management packages.
Here are “before” and “after” looks at Aiden Marketing’s Twitter page:
The old AIDEN MARKETING Twitter profile page, with the avatar to the far left, and a not-so-obvious photo stream.
The all-new AIDEN MARKETING Twitter profile page, complete with header image, centered avatar and more prominent photo stream.
Twitter is not automatically converting all user to the new profile page layout at the current time. – So, how do YOU get the new Twitter profile page for your Twitter account and be among the first with the new layout? – Here’s what you do:
1) Go to Settings
2) In the left hand sidebar, click on Design
3) Scroll down to the Customize Your Own section of the Design page
4) Click on Change Header to upload your new header image to activate new profile page layout. (*note: image must be a minimum 1252×626 in dimension and size file maximum is 5MB)
5) Enjoy your new look for you Twitter page!!
Aiden Marketing is a premier, full-service marketing agency built to stimulate business growth. We create, design and promote brands and their assets using creative innovation strategies to build brand equity and to foster positive growth results. We offer emerging inbound marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing solutions that communicate messages effectively, spark engaging conversations with consumers, and generate sales growth for our clients in a multicultural society, with a focus on being the best in terms of value, customer service, employee talent and corporate leadership. Visit us at www.aidenmarketing.comto take your business to the next level!