One of the stumbling blocks that sometimes need to be hurdled over by small and medium-sized firms that are building their brand online is the constant need to refresh material on social medial sites.

Short of running in-house marketing programs with point people working to update the content of each program, there hasn’t been a really efficient and cost-effective way of consistently keeping the social media companies that you interface with updated.

Even when you do work in-house, it is often the case that other job duties prevail on those making the updates, making the work more costly over time.

Enter www.Aiden, a managed services social media firm that provides social media package pricing, so that clients can turn over the responsibility to their dedicated staff. So instead of spending valuable research time every week looking for relevant articles, images, and commentary to provide on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and Linked In, you can relax while Aiden does the work for you.

To be specific, Aiden Marketing will create posts and commentary for you on your social media sites so that whatever branding that you seek to accomplish is fulfilled in terms of having relevant information consistently posted. On top of that, they will respond on your behalf to most questions, only deferring to your customer service in areas that you deem should remain in-house.

How does it work?  Aiden has contact sheets that allow and let them know in broad form what your goals are. When you are ready, you transfer the account information to them and start to pay a monthly contract fee. Depending upon the contract that you go with, they will begin posting on your behalf immediately.

Behind the scenes, Aiden will be gathering as much information as they possibly can about your product and service and how it is being promoted online. From that information and your input, they will be able to effectively create a managed online presence for you in the social media realm, for a lot less money than it would cost to have a dedicated in-house staff person handle things.

Social media managing pricing is a new thing for many companies to look at, but for as low as $600 per month, you will receive a dedicated social media manager at Aiden that will organize and provide production for you in the social media space. In that price range, they will not only provide custom graphic design and content creation, they will commit to providing you with quality tweets and posts every week, or day, depending on your package. In addition, they will answer any queries coming in to your social media accounts and provide you with a way to access real-time reporting on your account.

Any questions that you have can be answered anytime as they offer 24/7 customer support. Specific questions to your account manager will be answered promptly during that person’s working hours.

If you think of the social media management industry as another form of advertising or media selection, it makes sense that you would consider hiring an outside firm on to manage services. It is what Aiden does day in and day out. They are very adept at snapping into whatever strategy or set of concepts that you would like to impart to the marketplace. With a long history providing content for websites, they also adhere to copy standards that will make any client happy.

So whether you are a law firm or an accounting practice or a manufacturing concern, Aiden is positioned to help you increase your exposure through social media companies without a lot of cost or additional time spent. Consider visiting them online at