What Are They Saying About You? Series – Tip#1

Whether you manage a brand, a business or yourself, your online reputation matters — particularly if you’re serious about creating a meaningful content strategy for engaging with potential customers. – We live in a world of search engines, websites, social media platforms, blogs, and various other forms of digital presence; therefore, Reputation Management is essential and you can’t afford to ignore the need for it for your business or personal brand.

Over the next 3 days, Aiden Marketing will be sharing 6 strategic tips on how you can effectively manage your on-line reputation.

Monitor your Google search results

What’s your “Google juice’?  Good?  Bad?  Indifferent?  — You need to check it out.
Enter your name in quotation marks in a search window and examine the results from the first three pages.  When you monitor your search results, you’re looking to create a baseline for terms that matter to you and your business, starting with your name, your  company name and extending to category names.

  • Do many relevant results come up?
  • Do any troublesome results appear?

Ultimately, you’re looking to recreate the experience that a potential customer may have while searching for  your name and your company’s name, so keep these ideas in mind:

  • Experiment with different browsers and search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, Social Mention, etc.) as you’ll notice different results.
  • Be aware that Google search will personalize results so they are more relevant to your search patterns. You’ll want to compare the results you obtain when you search logged into your Google account (if you have one) vs. when you are logged out.
  • Change your search location (see left sidebar in Google).
  • Test with  Google instant turned on and off.

Don’t you think it’s important for you to know what other’s think and/or are writing about you or your company? At Aiden Marketing, we believe it’s mission critical — so much so, that we make sure that we include reputation management in our social media marketing and management packages.  Do you have a plan in place that is proactive in protecting your brand, along with a system within that plan on how you or your company will respond when your reputation has been infringed upon, given a black eye, or sent to the reputation critical care unit.  Don’t wait to start managing your reputation once there is a problem — the time to start is TODAY before their is a problem!!


Aiden Marketing is a premier, full-service marketing agency built to stimulate business growth. We create, design and promote brands and their assets using creative innovation strategies to build brand equity and to foster positive growth results.  We offer emerging inbound marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing solutions that communicate messages effectively, spark engaging conversations with consumers, and generate sales growth for our clients in a multicultural society, with a focus on being the best in terms of value, customer service, employee talent and corporate leadership.  Visit us at www.aidenmarketing.comto take your business to the next level!