Check out the great infographic from Fast Company magazine, which features various social media articles as part of its “social media feature in its September 2012 edition. Our team at Aiden Marketing found many of the rules right on target, others just plain hilarious, and there are few that we feel shouldn’t have made the list. Our team did identify a handful of the rules that definitely stood out as our favorites, with Rule#33 “Your Fans Own Your Brand” being at the top of our list. When you replace the word “fans” with “customers”, you get a real sense of the power of the consumer in today’s society. Businesses need to recognize that the customer is KING and it’s the customer who owns the power of your brand (whether that’s negative or positive branding).
There are 36 Rules of Social Media in the infographic below, but we know that are so many other great ones that could be added to the list — What rule would you add to the list? Post your social media rule suggestion but leaving us a comment to this blog post. We’ll feature the top 5 suggestions from readers’ comments in a separate Aiden Marketing blog and you’ll get to see your names in lights 🙂
Infographic courtesy of Fast Company Magazine
Aiden Marketing is a premier, full-service marketing agency built to stimulate business growth. We create, design and promote brands and their assets using creative innovation strategies to build brand equity and to foster positive growth results. We offer emerging inbound marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing solutions that communicate messages effectively, spark engaging conversations with consumers, and generate sales growth for our clients in a multicultural society, with a focus on being the best in terms of value, customer service, employee talent and corporate leadership. Visit us at to take your business to the next level!