Reasons To Outsource Your Social Media Marketing

Reasons to outsource your social media marketing

We are light years ahead of the idea of social media marketing consulting! — Aiden Marketing is a full-service online marketing department for hire!

Doing Things In-House vs. Hiring A Social Media Agency

Do you consider your company to be a “smart” company that makes decisions that line up with overall goals for growth?  Are you concerned about your brand reputation and how your target audience perceives it?  You probably answered Yes, like many other business owners.  Now ask yourself this question, “Would you be willing to risk your brand reputation on such a high influencing marketing medium like social media (where the reach and impressions for your brand can be exponential) to someone on your staff who is not a social media expert?”  If you wouldn’t’ compromise your brand if you were doing a marketing campaign via traditional marketing channels (TV, Radio, or newspaper), then don’t compromise your brand on social media platforms.  With traditional marketing, you aren’t even certain of the exact number of people who are going to see or hear your ads; however, social media marketing is the one medium that allows you to reach, measure, monitor, engage, and communicate with your customers and target audience directly, and you want to be sure promote and protect your brand by having social media marketing done the right way.

Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Social Media Marketing

1) The rules of the social media marketing game change every day: You and/or your staff cannot afford to take the time to know about every change in the social media marketing industry — you have a business to run. As we serve as the social media marketing agency partner for businesses, it’s our job at Aiden Marketing to know every little change that is happening on the various social media platforms from understanding the trends, algorithm changes that impact your reach to your target audience, to statistical data performance data, and much more. Our team is very nimble – we are always learning, sharing, and making adjustments based on the ever-changing, dynamic social media stratosphere.

2) Understanding the social media marketing medium is different from just understanding the features: You and/or your staff may understand how to use some of the features of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms, but implementing social media marketing effectively (based off professional experience of managing the social media accounts of brands & businesses) is so much more than this. For example: Do you know what is the best time to upload content on Facebook to generate maximum feedback?  What strategies can use on Twitter to get someone to mention your brand or retweet your tweet? How do you get people to comment on your social media postings and share your content with their networks?  What type of content marketing works best on which social media platforms?  — If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then you risk your brand by experimenting on your own. It’s best to hire a professional social media marketing agency.

3) A strategic marketing plan and vision for your social media marketing is mandatory: Don’t compromise your brand or your personality online by just putting anything on your social media platforms, or doing something even worse: creating social media profiles for your company that become dormant with no activity. Also, your previous strategic marketing plan for traditional marketing will not work for social media marketing.

Your social media marketing goals and implementation strategies need to be clearly defined effectively implemented and measured and monitored. Need help with a plan?  Our social media marketing agency can help you construct a comprehensive social media marketing plan.

Don’t risk your brand reputation by doing social media marketing for your company yourself or having someone on your staff, who is not well-versed in social media marketing, do it.  Entrust your brand, social media marketing efforts, and all of your other online marketing needs to our team of social media experts at Aiden Marketing.

Aiden Marketing is more than just another marketing consulting company. We actually do the work for you – which is one of the biggest value benefits to small business owners who are stretched for time, technology and money. Marketing consulting services alone don’t cut it; business owners need a marketing agency like Aiden Marketing that provide the total package — we can craft a plan and do the actual social media marketing and inbound marketing work as well. We aren’t like other Baltimore-Washington, DC marketing agencies — we’re interested in building business partnerships (instead of just hourly services) with our clients as we work to help you achieve your goals.