Benefits Of Digital Marketing Agency Retainer Base Relationships

Benefits of Digital Marketing Retainer

Many business owners are initially hesitant to hire a digital marketing agency on a retainer based relationship. It’s purely understandable. The reluctance stems from once they agree, they will be giving up control being locked or the ability to introduce changes to the agreement. But a retainer agreement is not a prison sentence. Instead of feeling reluctant about the perceived burden of being locked in handcuffs. Retainers provide an opportunity to exceed their marketing objectives and generate a noticeable difference to your company’s bottom line.

Transparent Pricing

A retainer based relationship represents no surprises. Set a budget and identify your cost going in. You know at the beginning of the engagement what the total cost of marketing will be for the entire year. It’s a single payment per-month method and you get all the services an agency has to offer. Most retainers offer discounted rates in exchange for a signed long-term commitment. When developing a retainer with your digital marketing agency, you don’t have to agonize about being nickeled and dimed for every individual task associated with hourly rates. Savings also come in terms of time a client has to spend educating an agency prior to execution of their projects.

What About The Costs?

Small business owners frequently choose to typically hire a skilled company to properly handle your legal or accounting needs, you should consider hiring a company that specializes in digital marketing. Today digital assets such as email, websites, social media, webinars, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) ads, prospect tracking are all tactics digital marketing agencies implement. They utilize effective and extremely flexible methods for generating demand and engaging prospects and driving revenue. However, many times clients are already investing considerable amounts of time and money on actively managing multiple tools and advertising that’s not getting results. It is peculiarly true in small teams where IT resources are limited. Some of these resources can be redistributed to carefully designing and executing a digital marketing strategy which results in new leads and customers. And often, the investment not only covers the cost but generates a positive return on investment!

Access to the Best Talent

Your marketing represents a key component for sustained business success, as well as one of the most challenging to execute. You know where you want to take your business — but not always how to get there. But you don’t always have access to that kind of experience and expertise in-house. Expert digital marketing talent can help you discover a way.


Digital Outsourcing

What About Doing It In-House?

With the immense growth we’re seeing in internet marketing, there are various roles to fill. Sure, you could designate a person to handle a Facebook page and maybe write a random blog article. But can this person consistently handle:

  • Blogging
  • Search engine optimization and link building
  • Managing multiple social media accounts
  • Creating content like ebooks, whitepapers or guides
  • Creating call-to-action graphics
  • Designing landing pages with lead generating forms
  • Lead nurturing campaigns
  • Measuring and tracking marketing analytics
  • And manage all demand generation and lead management activities

And even if a team decides to educate themselves on these various practices. If you’re like most organizations, you’re already wearing several hats and your team is probably stretched thin. When you try and be good at everything, you’re seldom skillful at anything.

Long-term Relationship and Consistency

Hiring with a digital marketing agency on a retainer basis helps build a long-term relationship. Retainers make it easier to understand your business, marketplace and how to deliver the best possible outcomes. Instead of paying separate agencies, vendors or professional consultants on an hourly basis, you can develop a relationship with your agency. In digital marketing, consistency maintains your message across channels and earns trust with prospective customers. A retainer allows a digital marketing agency to assign the same staff managing an account month end and month out leads to a consistent brand experience. When you require assistance with something, your account manager is always just a call away to help you out. Your dedicated account manager reports directly to you with weekly accountability calls, monthly reporting and dashboards. And, ensure your program is on time, on budget and producing the desired results required.


We understand that considering outsourcing your marketing can be overwhelming, but that’s why our team at Aiden Marketing is here to help you. With our vast amount of experience in B2B, B2C, B2G and NGO marketing services, we know exactly how to make your business stand out from the competition. Ready to grow through better digital marketing? Contact us online or call us today at 410-929-2435 to speak with a strategist about our digital marketing services!