INFOGRAPHIC: Social Business Beyond Social Media

INFOGRAPHIC: Social Business Beyond Social Media

Is your company a social business? Is your business a leader that is leveraging the power of technology not only for acquiring and retaining customers, but for also improving the productivity within your company? There are plenty of examples of businesses that have thousands of likes and followers on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. When some people see these large numbers of fans, they automatically think that business must be booming for these companies. Yet, the truth is that it’s not that simple and business growth doesn’t happen by osmosis from having a lot of Facebook likes and Twitter followers. Business growth is a result of collaborative efforts on many fronts, including your employees, your customers, social media platforms, mobile technology, and cloud-based technologies.

Check out the great social business infographic below from The Huffington Post which demonstrates how businesses of all sizes are extending and improving their leadership.

Our Aiden Marketing team believes that businesses can achieve social business success by implementing a strong social media marketing campaign strategy and leveraging social media for business intelligence and sales prospects that can be distributed to your company’s team members. In the end, companies who focus and implement social business strategies will yield results such as increase in employee productivity, ability to exceed customer’s expectations, and decrease in speed of time-to-market for new innovative product and service ideas.
