How to Overcome the Top 2 Content Creation Challenges

How to Overcome the Top 2 Content Creation Challenges

How to Overcome the Top 2 Content Creation Challenges

For any business, putting together compelling content can be a difficult task at the best of times. Inspiring content can be difficult to find, and locating the content tools that you require to properly produce compelling content consistently is liable to drive any marketer or business blog writer up a wall.

The two most consistent challenges that content producers for major commercial and industrial entities have are: 1) producing engaging content and 2) doing so consistently. These top content creation challenges are the largest stumbling blocks for any marketing professional and serves as a reminder of exactly how difficult content creation can be (even for people who know the ins and outs of their company’s services or products). How can you overcome these challenges? Let’s take a look at some of the more common ways to get past these two pitfalls.

1) Producing Engaging Content

The key to producing engaging content is to focus on your audience and to keep your readers top of mind as you are composing content. Based on the buyer personas that your company desires to attract, be sure that you have identified who they are, the types of things they are interested in, what they want to learn more about, what type of problems they may have, the wants and features they are looking for, and what solutions your company can offer. With every type of content you create, it’s important that you clearly identify who that piece of content is intended to engage. When you know the “for who”, it’s then easier to create content that will resonate with the people who you desire to consume your content.

Here’s An Example: Content Without A Why = No Engagement

David (Marketing Director for an Information Technology Software Company) has a general understanding of why he and his team must create and distribute content as part of their efforts to get found online and attract buyers to their company’s website — their goal is to get prospective buyers to discover more about what their software company’s products and services offer. When we talked to David about his content marketing strategy, David’s team had a whiteboard on the wall filled with lists and multicolored post-it notes of content that needed to be created. When I asked David’s team, “Why are you going to create a “5 Reasons…” infographic?”, no one on the team had a definitive answer outside of saying that they believe that an infographic is a great visual type of content to distribute.

While having a healthy mix of different types of content marketing is essential, it’s even more critical that David and his team really understand why they are creating a specific piece of content in the first place. It’s also important to understand that David is not alone — there are thousands of marketers and business owners from various industries who need to answer the following questions when creating content:

    • What is the main point of the piece of content?
    • What message are you trying to convey to your buyer personas?
    • How is the piece of content helpful to your target audience?
    • Where does the piece of content fit with your content marketing strategy and sales funnel?
    • What results (i.e. leads, sharing, comments, website visits, etc.) are you looking to achieve after publishing and distributing the content?

When you clearly answer the above questions during the content creation process, for each piece of content, you’ll be successful in creating engaging content through great storytelling (via words, visuals, videos and more).


Biggest Content Marketing Challenge for B2B Enterprise Marketers

Producing the Kind of Content that Engages 20%
Producing Enough Content 17%
Lack of Integration 13%


producing content that engages

2) Producing Content Consistently

Overall, most B2B (and B2C) marketers find it very challenging and tedious to come up with prompts to create content on a consistent basis. Further, marketers of companies in industries that involve complex subject matter like information technology or bio-medical science, or of companies in an industry that is perceived as “boring” like manufacturing or architectural engineering, have even greater challenges.

The truth is that it takes time and skill to produce high-quality, engaging content consistently. If you are a small-to-medium sized business with a one or two-person marketing department (and in some cases you maybe filling both roles of the CEO and the marketer), you’ve probably attempted to tackle content strategy, creation, and distribution on your own and have discovered it can be overwhelming at times. Not enough time is one of the biggest barriers to producing content consistently as business owners rightfully so are actually running their businesses, and most marketers have their plates constantly full and overflowing with various projects.


Challenge that B2B Enterprise Content Marketers Face

Producing the Kind of Content that Engages 58%
Lack of Integration Across Marketing 58%
Producing Enough Content 53%


producing enough content

If you want to publish content more frequently, you will need to invest more resources to do so and that means time and budget investment. When it’s apparent that you can’t effectively manage producing engaging content consistently, then you should look to outsource your content marketing to qualified inbound marketing agency that offers content marketing packages. Depending on your budget, a content marketing package can help to ensure that your company gets quality content published at least every week. There is flexibility and scale in content marketing packages; therefore, if your company has a bigger budget and wants content published 3 times per week or everyday of the week, then you can get this as well.

Keep in mind that when doing things on your own, it’s better to publish one truly excellent post per week than post five mediocre posts every week; however, there are many benefits to outsourcing. One of the key benefits of outsourcing your content marketing efforts is that you’ll be provided with buyer-focused, engaging content that has been developed by highly experienced copywriters and other members of an inbound marketing agency. When you don’t have the time or know-how in-house, it just makes good sense to outsource your content marketing. At the end of the day, consistently engaging content that is relevant is more important to your audience than whether you update your blog several times in a single day.

What’s your experience with overcoming engaging content challenges?

Please share your stories or questions below in the comments section.


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