10 Overlooked Email Marketing Tips to Generate Leads and Motivate Readers


Email Marketing Tips to Connect With Your Audience

Just like content production, email marketing entails a process that better enhances the relationship between your business and customers. Email marketing is one of the best ways to connect with your customers, prospects, and other individuals who are important to your business. Are you unsure about how effective your email marketing efforts are doing? You should measure this by determining the number of emails opened and the number of clicks on the links within your emails that drive readers to your website. Real results happen when you increase your email click-through rate (CTR).

Here are tips to understand what increases your email click-through rates.

Click-through rates measure the number of receivers who click the links in your emails versus the number of opened emails. They vary a lot, depending on the industry, but the higher they get, the better your business will be doing, so it is important to follow these five tips:




  1. Keep it short and simple, in questions and answers form. Make your emails as simple and short as possible because readers lose interest in long emails.
  2. Motivate readers. Use questions, subheadings, statistics, and call-to-actions throughout the email to engage your readers. Also, be sure to offer incentives (for signing up for your newsletters, for sharing your posts, for their first order, for orders exceeding a certain value or for referrals).
  3. Include the same link several times. Include your link two or three times in your email, in different contexts, to appeal to all readers.
  4. Use videos and images. A picture says it all and draws in the reader’s attention. Make sure that the images you include in your email are sized correctly (not distorted) and any embedded videos also contain links to the video.
  5. Follow-up instantly. Send automatic thank you and confirmation emails to new subscribers to show them that you value their interest and engage them. Inform them of any ongoing campaigns, request feedback, and provide incentives if your readers recommend your products or services to others.




Do Utilize Social Media In Your Email Marketing and Newsletter Campaigns

As a marketing tool in the twenty-first century, social media is priceless – allowing the creation and sharing of content like no other marketing platform has ever done before. By developing high-quality content that engages and interests your audience, you create stronger ties with your existing base of subscribers. When your readers share content from your emails to their social media networks, it allows your content to get in front of new prospects and this can lead to the generation of new leads. It’s truly a win-win situation. In addition, including text and image hyperlinks to your best content is a great way to introduce your content offers to your email distribution list.


email marketing


Do Blog Often

Creating an industry blog is a very good way to develop a readership and create loyalty in your subscribers. By allowing your emails to contain relevant links to your blogs, you increase traffic while at the same time providing a great resource for your current customers and prospects. This cultivates a stronger foundation of trust between you and your audience.

content marketing effectiveness


Do Share Third Party Information that is Relevant

Don’t stick only to your own information. By depending on your own links as fuel, you create an isolated position that makes it harder for readers to take you seriously. By including links to third-party information that is relevant, you build trust with your email subscribers as a source of information they can trust as your convey and prove that you are more concerned with sharing valuable, helpful content than just promoting your own content.

Don’t Be Impersonal

In a world where human interaction is at an all-time low, being personal can go quite a long way. By crafting personal responses to emails or even creating personal email campaigns, you can develop a rapport with your audience on a whole different level. This is extremely useful from a lead generation perspective and also serves to ingratiate you to the reader.

Do Conduct Return on Investment Analysis

Return on Investment (ROI) analysis involves taking metric performance numbers of a marketing plan or idea and dissects them, taking the relevant data and representing the statistics in a readable form. Developing ROI analysis utilizes your ability to communicate useful information to your readers and serves to make them appreciate you more for your usefulness.




Nobody likes to deal with emails that come from a single source. Although persistence does pay off occasionally, it’s important that your consider the frequency and the time of day when you are sending emails to your audience. It’s also really beneficial if you let your subscribers know up-front how often they can expect to receive emails from your company (i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, 2 times per week) and then it’s up to you to keep to the schedule. The key point is that you don’t want a member of your email distribution list to add you to a spam list, as this results in you losing whatever contact you had with the person and destroys the relationship that you have been cultivating.

Email marketing is far from dead and by following the best practice tips above, you can utilize email lists to drive your interaction with clients and even generate new leads. Always aim to create an email marketing strategy that focuses on sharing valuable and relevant content which will serve to strengthen your ties with your readers as time goes on.


Download FREE EBook – 5 Top Email Questions you need to ask and answer!

To get more emails opened, your email subject line and the content of your emails need to answer questions the readers may not even be aware they’re asking. Learn how to increase your email click-through rate in no time and ain insight on industry best practices when it comes to generating leads and deepening relationships through emails by discovering the 5 Top Email Questions you need to ask and answer!


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