10 Quick and Easy Website Marketing Ideas


Do you have a website for your business, yet you feel that no one knows about your site? Do your site analytics show you that you are definitely NOT getting the number of website visitors that you’d like?  Well, you are not alone. At Aiden Marketing, we get a lot of questions from business owners, in the Baltimore and Washington, DC area, in regards to their concern about low website traffic and brand awareness of their business to the larger world of the Internet. If you’re not sure if your website is operating at peak performance, then take advantage of our FREE website evaluation report. Today, our Aiden Marketing team is going to share 10 quick and easy ways to strategically use your website to actually build business.

Did you know that according to Google, 97% of consumers search for local businesses online? With this fact, you can safely assume that 97% of consumers in your local geographical area are also on-line searching for businesses in various industries, including yours. If you currently have a website, there’s not doubt that you’re aware that prospective customers are looking for you online and having a website is one of the key ways to make sure that your business gets found. The million dollar question is whether your business is standing out from the crowd online?  And if you don’t currently have a web presence because you’ve been waiting for the right time and/or right plan, then take a look at our value-packed website design packages.

Here are 10 Quick and Easy Website Marketing Ideas

1. Optimize Your Local Reach and Search-ability

Now more than ever, it’s important that every page of your website is properly optimized through the strategic use of keywords and key phrases. What’s more, recent changes to the way that Google evaluates and ranks websites in terms of search results necessitates that each page be optimized uniquely. If you’ve never had an SEO (search engine optimization) expert evaluate your website to determine if updates are needed, then contact the Aiden Marketing team. Your SEO marketing strategy should include keywords and phrases that include the names of your town (i.e. Baltimore, MD) and nearby cities or towns and even neighborhoods—areas from which you would logically attract new customers.

2. Promote Local Community Interests

Promoting local community events, non-profit organizations, local business chamber of commerce events, etc. via your website will allow your business to connect with customers and prospective clients in your community. Also, as a side benefit, since your text will include the names of local towns and neighborhoods, this can also help with SEO.

3. Build A Contact List Consistently

While it seems obvious and plain common sense, many businesses are not actively and consistently collecting contact information — i.e. getting people to subscribe to your company’s email newsletters, blog updates and special offers. It’s essential that every page of your website include a quick link encouraging visitors to your site to subscribe to your mailing list.

4. Showcase Your Work

Use your business website to demonstrate to prospective clients the level of skill of your services, the special features and benefits of your and services, and the wonderful outcomes that they can expect as a result of doing business with your company. Customer testimonials, before and after pictures, and case studies made available on your website speak much more powerfully than any advertising scripts!

5. Talk About Your Products & Services

Talk about the products and services that your business carries on your website, and consider doing a product feature of the month on your website via your blog or special offer. By doing this, you will not only help to educate prospective and current customers, but you will also boost your SEO efforts, since changing content is also one of the ways that Google evaluates your site.

6. Showcase Your Specialty

While your small business might offer a wide variety of services, there is most likely one or two particular services at which your sales team excels in offering — this is your speciality, your niche. Use your website (blog, email newsletter and social media, etc.) to talk about the strengths and specialties of your business.

7. Promote Special Offers

Are you posting your special offers on your website, blog, email newsletter and social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+ Pages)?  If not, then you are missing the boat and the train has already left the station!!  Be sure to start offering your special offers via your online presence platforms TODAY!! For people to be able to take advantage of your special offers, they first have to know that the special offer exists — it’s just that simple.

8. Highlight Your Education & Experience

Most online customers don’t have any idea how much education and experience that you (and members of your team) have that contribute to the accomplishments that your business has achieved thus far. Use your web pages that you set aside to talk about your team, your specialties or your special offers to highlight aspects of your education and your industry experience. Talk about what you have learned based on past experiences to educate your clients on why it’s better for them to trust a professional like yourself and your company.

9. Build Emotional Connections

One of the best reasons to have an “about us” page isn’t to impress prospective customers with how awesome you are; rather, it is using your ‘about us’ page and blog posts to give customers and prospects reasons to connect with you emotionally. When you establish emotional connections with your clients, whether you are talking about personal or professional interests, you give them more reasons to seek out your services and another inducement to loyalty.

10. Build Your Reputation

To build your reputation as an expert in your field and a trusted resource for your clients: use your website to talk about your products in terms of the benefits they provide and the problems they solve for clients, create content marketing in terms of the solutions you provide to clients, and highlight your specialties in terms of the solutions you can provide for clients. By doing this, you will establish expectations about the level of professionalism, service and outcomes for prospects and current clients.

By implementing the above 10 marketing strategies, you’ll be helping to ensure that more people find your online business, more often, when they are looking for a business that offers your services / product, and you’ll positively impact your SEO, at the same time. So what are you waiting for? There’s no better time like today than to get started. Incorporate these 10 website marketing improvement best practices into your online marketing strategy, or use them to help build your strategy if you are just starting out on with a new website.


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