Today, we continue our “Things You Might Be Doing Wrong In Social Media” series by sharing common mistake #2 that our team at Aiden Marketing observes many businesses doing in the social media atmosphere.
Yesterday, we shared the importance of a business knowing clearly who their target audience is and how not knowing will put your social media efforts on the expressway to failed results. We applaud those business owners and their leadership teams who know exactly who their target audience is; however, we’ve also discovered that many of them still experience challenges when it comes to connecting with their target audience via social media — essentially, the business is not communicating where their target audience is communicating and this leads us to today’s lesson.
Things You Might Be Doing Wrong In Social Media:
#2. You Aren’t Communicating On The Same Online Sites As Your Target Audience: Once you know who your target audience is, you must also know what are their favorite places online that they like to communicate. For example, Anna’s Cupcake Factory could set up a perfectly content rich and engaging Facebook Business Fan Page, but if most of her current and ideal customers in her target market are on Twitter, she is missing huge opportunities to connect with her target market — and more importantly, her social media efforts focused on Facebook will not be as effective as she desired. Why? Because in this scenario, her target market is primarily on Twitter. Should Anna’s Cupcake Factory stop using Facebook? – No! The business just needs to develop a strategic social media management plan that leverages various social media platforms to build and enhance brand awareness, with special attention to the primary sites where their target audience is communicating.
Feel like you are doing social media as if you are throwing darts blind-folded? Know who your ideal target audience is but don’t know their preferred social media platform and how to effectively reach and engage them?
If you feel that you are not really clear on who your target audience is, then be sure to read installment #1 “You Don’t Know Who Your Target Audience Is” in our series by clicking HERE. At Aiden Marketing, we walk our client through our “persona development” process which helps business owners gain knowledge about their target market, which ultimately makes your marketing efforts more effective.
Contact our team at Aiden Marketing, as social media management is one of the core services of our full-service marketing agency. We are here to help build the growth of your business!
Get your FREE Social Media Audit today, and let us help you identify your strengths and areas that need improvement, along with recommendations from our team.